The Final Jeopardy answer is…COOKING, COOKING, COOKING. 

Alex, the question is: “How is M spending the first half of her vacation?" 

Yes, I realize it’s getting a little tedious, but until we leave for Cabo on Sunday, I’ll probably be running around our kitchen, making an awfully big mess, and cursing that there ain’t enough sunlight this time of year for me to photograph my food. Yep – I’m still plugging away on my little project. By the way, I appreciate all the enthusiasm for a Nom Nom Paleo cookbook…but who said I was writing one? I’m actually developing a Nom Nom Paleo video game where you shoot pork roasts at vegans. Wocka wocka wocka.

Enough joking around, here’s a look at what I ate and cooked today:

For breakfast, I crisped up some leftover Kalua pig in my mini cast iron skillet and cracked in a couple of eggs to bind the swine together.

I topped the eggs and pork with some leftover guacamole and mango salsa. I love pan-frying leftover Kalua pig because it gets crispity-crunchity like carnitas.

After I came home from the women’s class at CrossFit Palo Alto, I chowed on a nuked yam as my post-workout snack. Boring, I know.

For lunch, I ate some spicy tuna cakes…

…topped with a tangy, bacony dressing made with avocado and basil.

After lunch, I cooked another boatload of food. I threw together a BLTC (bacon, lettuce, tomato, and crab) salad…

…seared a sous vide rib eye steak seasoned with Tabil…

…and slow-roasted a rack of lamb seasoned with Dukka.

At dinnertime, we had our standing Monday dinner/playdate with Dr. HA and her two kids. I’d been sampling food all afternoon so I wasn’t terribly famished at dinner. That didn’t stop me from eating, though.

For dinner, I sauteed three bunches of organic beech mushrooms….

…in bacon grease with sliced garlic, coconut aminos, and fish sauce.

For the main dish, I tossed some fresh Dungeness crab meat (Thank you, Siren SeaSA!) with the green dressing I made earlier and tucked the salad inside a Pure Wrap.

That’s a wrap. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

About Michelle Tam

Hello! My name is Michelle Tam, and I love to eat. I think about food all the time. It borders on obsession. I’ve always loved the sights and smells of the kitchen. My mother was (and is) an excellent cook, and as a kid, I was her little shadow as she prepared supper each night. From her, I gained a deep, abiding love for magically transforming pantry items into mouth-watering family meals.

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