It’s Friday, Friday

Gotta get down on Friday

Now you can’t get that inane song outta your head, either. Mwahahahaha!

This morning, I didn’t eat breakfast because Big-O wasn’t allowed to eat or drink anything due to a scheduled diagnostic procedure in the OR.

By the way, those are hospital PJs he’s sporting. But I think this is a good look for Big-O. I need to get him some yellow socks and backless shirts. 

After futzing for hours at the hospital, the anesthesiologist told us to reschedule since Big-O still had junky lungs from his cold. Um, that’s what I requested a few days ago but I was told to bring him in anyways. Our stint at the hospital was totally anticlimactic but our wasted time wasn’t for naught – we were paid off with a $20 gift certificate to the hospital gift shop. YES!

We came home at noon and everyone was cranky and hungry. Of course I had no food ready – I’m so disorganized when I’m on PTO – so I grabbed some frozen shrimp and threw them in a colander under some running water. As soon as they thawed, I sprinkled on some salt and Sunny Spain seasoning and seared them in coconut oil. After I removed the last shrimp from the pan…

…I tossed in a pile of baby kale…

 …and sauteed until wilted.

I lay the shrimp on the bed of greens…

 …smashed up an avocado, and placed a dollop of guacamole on the shrimp.

In the afternoon, I blended a big batch of Magic Mushroom Powder (recipe will be in my upcoming iPad cooking app)…

…and seasoned a lamb shoulder and a couple of lamb necks.

I vacuum sealed all the meat and dunked it in the SousVide Supreme set at 160F for 24 hours.

At dinnertime, I fried up some ground beef with onions and Magic Mushroom Powder and tossed the cooked meat in some Rao’s Marinara sauce.

For my veggie base, I julienned a head of savoy cabbage and sauteed the “noodles” with a splash of bone broth and more Magic Mushroom Powder.

Simple and easy.

Want an update on The 2012 Homies?

Both Melicious and I won in our respective categories, Best Healthy Cooking Blog and Best Food Photography on a Blog!

I’m sincerely moved by the outpouring of support from the Paleo community and will be thanking you guys with a beefy giveaway from TX Bar Organics tomorrow! 

About Michelle Tam

Hello! My name is Michelle Tam, and I love to eat. I think about food all the time. It borders on obsession. I’ve always loved the sights and smells of the kitchen. My mother was (and is) an excellent cook, and as a kid, I was her little shadow as she prepared supper each night. From her, I gained a deep, abiding love for magically transforming pantry items into mouth-watering family meals.

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