I completely forgot that my blog turned two years old on Thursday.


Happy Blogaversary to me! To celebrate, I did what any exhausted seasoned blogger would do – take a day off from posting. Turns out that cranking out over 1,300(!) posts over the course of two years makes a girl tired. Go figure. 

Before I get to my eats for the day, I want to take just a moment to express my gratitude to all of you, my super-awesome readers. This year, I’ve met a ton of ridiculously great people, traveled all over the country, won a couple of groovy awards, and launched a bestselling iPad cooking app – none of which would’ve been possible without readers like you.

There’s been bad mixed in with the good, too. But dealing with a death in the family and a mini tsunami in our home opened our eyes to what’s really important in our lives: relationships, health, family.

So anyway, thank you for your eyeballs and your support these past couple of years. I appreciate you like you wouldn’t believe. (Unless you’re a mean troll, in which case you can suck it.)

Now back to the usual programming: The diary of a ravenous zombie drug dealer.

With the onset of cold and flu season, my shift at the hospital was busy, busy, busy. In the middle of the night, I paused to eat my packed leftover eggplant-lasagna-thingy

…a small container of organic full-fat Greek yogurt and sliced strawberries, and a few squares of dark chocolate.

By the time I got home in the morning, I was hungry again. I didn’t want to make anything complicated, so I made a simple French omelet and ate it with some roasted yam purée from the fridge.

The Double-Os had the day off from school, so they serenaded me with Weird Al songs before I went to bed. If Putting on the Hits was still in syndication, my guys would get perfect scores on originality, appearance, and lip-syncing ability. Please tell me I’m not the only one here old enough to remember Allen Fawcett’s atrocious blond ‘fro.

I wish I could’ve stayed up all day with the boys, but my old bones were ready to collapse. I kissed the kids goodnight and headed to the bedroom to conk out.

When I got up in the evening, I checked the mail and found a cool present from my foodie soulmate, Melicious. I lurve my Well Fed bracelet!

By the way, you can enter for a chance to win one yourself right here.

I wanted to sit and admire my pretty bracelet, but the kiddos were grousing about how their stomachs were digesting themselves. Puh-lease. Whiners.

As usual, I didn’t have a plan for dinner, but I knew that I had a pound of ground pork in the defrost bowl, a bunch of kale, and kombucha squash. I cut, peeled, and roasted half of the squash in the toaster oven

…and made a quick garbage stir-fry with the ground pork, onions, garlic, and thinly sliced kale. 

I seasoned the meat and greens with Red Boat fish sauce, coconut aminos, freshly ground pepper, and a squeeze of lime juice.

We all formed our own low-rent moo shu pork rolls by tucking the filling into sheets of Pure Wraps.

Not too shabby for an improvised pantry meal. And that brings up yet another thing I’m thankful for: Keeping a daily blog has kept me from falling into a food rut. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t bother coming back if all I made was chicken breast and steamed broccoli every night, ammirite?

Okay, gang: Your turn. What’s happened in the past two years that you’re thankful for? Better health? Learning about a new ingredient or kitchen shortcut? Mastering that cup song thing? Let me know in the comments!

About Michelle Tam

Hello! My name is Michelle Tam, and I love to eat. I think about food all the time. It borders on obsession. I’ve always loved the sights and smells of the kitchen. My mother was (and is) an excellent cook, and as a kid, I was her little shadow as she prepared supper each night. From her, I gained a deep, abiding love for magically transforming pantry items into mouth-watering family meals.

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