I’m yawning as I type this post, so I’m gonna be brief, yo!

Before I sped off to the women’s class at CrossFit Palo Alto this morning, I gulped down a couple of bowls of meaty bone broth for breakfast.

It’d been almost a month since I last set foot in the gym, and I’d missed sweating with my buds and throwing a heavy barbell around. Okay, my bar wasn’t super heavy, but it was heavy enough. I already feel sore all over.

When I returned home, I reheated a few Asian umami mini meatballs and scarfed them down with half a nuked yam.

For lunch, I fried a simple omelet stuffed with leftover seasoned ground lamb and greens.

I also ate a pack of SeaSnax and a package of roasted chestnuts.

Afterwards I checked the mail and squealed when I saw I’d received an advance copy of Dallas and Melissa Hartwig’s It Starts With Food.

Anytime one of you readers asks me a question about what, why, and how to eat, I’m just going to refer you to this engaging, no-nonsense, practical reference. This book’ll answer every question you conjure up. Go pre-order it NOW by clicking here.

At dinnertime, we had a casual adults-only dinner at Asian Box.

I know I’ve been frequenting this spot a lot lately (and Steak Out, too), but that’s one way I’m similar to my dad. Once we find a restaurant we like, we’ll visit obsessively – that is, until the day we get a bad meal. Then, we never, ever go back again. Thankfully, that hasn’t happened with Asian Box! 

Tonight, I ordered the 6-spice chicken over Asian vegetable salad (no dressing), steamed vegetables, fresh herbs, jalapeno, bean sprouts, lime, caramel egg, pickled vegetables, and fish sauce.

We also tried the Jungle Jerky which (due to the tamari and sugar) ain’t Paleo, but was gluten-free and dang tasty. 

Okay, peeps – I need to go sleep off the soreness from all the barbell work. Time for bed!

About Michelle Tam

Hello! My name is Michelle Tam, and I love to eat. I think about food all the time. It borders on obsession. I’ve always loved the sights and smells of the kitchen. My mother was (and is) an excellent cook, and as a kid, I was her little shadow as she prepared supper each night. From her, I gained a deep, abiding love for magically transforming pantry items into mouth-watering family meals.

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