Dr. Seuss would be damn proud.  Dinner was on the table in 30 minutes and afterwards, there was only one skillet to wash.  

Earlier in the day, I followed the recipe in Cooks Illustrated’s The Best Vegetable Recipes for shallow blanched collard greens.  That way they’d be ready to sauté off when I got home.   Also, I thinly sliced up a whole onion and trimmed and halved a ½ pound of Brussels sprouts.  I put all my prepped veggies in the fridge and went out to Costco.  Remember? I love me some Costco.

After my Costco run, I wanted dinner ASAP.  As soon as I came home, I preheated my toaster oven to 400 F; tossed my prepared sprouts with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper; and put the sprouts in the oven. 

Then, I took out my cast iron skillet and sautéed the sliced onions in some lard. 

While the onions softened, I sliced up a few slices of leftover baked ham 


and diced my blanched collard greens.

Once the onions were translucent, I added three cloves of minced garlic and mixed that around for ~30 seconds. I added the chopped ham and stirred that around to give it a little color.  Then, I added the chopped blanched collard greens and ¼ cup of low sodium chicken broth.  After mixing everything in the skillet, I covered it for 2 minutes to warm everything. I tasted the greens and swine for seasoning and added a splash of sherry vinegar.


I removed the Brussels sprouts from the toaster oven (it took around 20 minutes) and drizzled them with aged balsamic vinegar.  Then, I quickly rinsed my skillet, added some butter and fried up a couple of eggs for Fitbomb and myself. 

I like me some greens, eggs, and ham.

About Michelle Tam

Hello! My name is Michelle Tam, and I love to eat. I think about food all the time. It borders on obsession. I’ve always loved the sights and smells of the kitchen. My mother was (and is) an excellent cook, and as a kid, I was her little shadow as she prepared supper each night. From her, I gained a deep, abiding love for magically transforming pantry items into mouth-watering family meals.

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