My kids and I didn’t return from a playdate until 6:45 p.m. and since I forgot to leave a note for Fitbomb (or check my numerous text pages from him as to where we were), he ate some leftovers when he got home early.  

Hey!  Where’s my meal?

Luckily, I had already planned ahead, ahem, for feeding both of us.  Before leaving for the playdate, I washed some Mei Quin Choy and left it in the colander.  I dug around in the fridge and found some old cremini mushrooms that I washed and quartered. Then, I drizzled the ‘shrooms with extra virgin olive oil, salt, and pepper stuck them on a foil lined tray in my preheated toaster oven (400 F).  After around 20 minutes, the mushrooms were nicely roasted (I stirred them around a few times during the roasting).  I removed the mushrooms from the toaster oven, wrapped the foil around them, and got the kids ready to leave the house.

When I returned home, I heated some coconut oil in the frying pan on medium-high and tossed in the choy.  I added some salt and pepper and stir fried them for a few minutes and then put on the lid and lowered the heat to low.  I didn’t add any additional liquid and I let it steam-saute for around 5 minutes.  There was plenty of flavor from the coconut oil, salt, and pepper so I didn’t feel the need to add any soy sauce, tamari, or oyster sauce.

Then, I sliced some leftover sous vide tri tip, and plated it up the choy and mushrooms.  Voila!

About Michelle Tam

Hello! My name is Michelle Tam, and I love to eat. I think about food all the time. It borders on obsession. I’ve always loved the sights and smells of the kitchen. My mother was (and is) an excellent cook, and as a kid, I was her little shadow as she prepared supper each night. From her, I gained a deep, abiding love for magically transforming pantry items into mouth-watering family meals.

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